Saturday, March 16, 2013


 Today`s entry is about the adventure in Diliman!

A Few days ago we planned to go to The Iscramist to try the Nitrogen Ice cream after Finals and this is how our day went. 
I overslept playing Grand fantasia the night before and I didn`t know what time I woke up so I just waited for their text message so with no idea what time it was I took a bath and got ready as soon as they called me they were on their way. I was near The Iscreamist so they were just gonna pass by my house. So yeah... Still not knowing what time it was I rushed to anonas station and got up with my friends.
We passed by The iscreamist but it was crowded so we decided to have brunch first. 

Me very Tired and I probably just figured out the time
 We had grilled food and I had Empanada coz I wanted to save room for ice cream
JJ my friend she does a lot of foodtrips

Ched the beautiful one haha 

Aselle the verry vain one..
After eating we decided to go to iscreamist and I was a very happy kid (●⌒∇⌒●) わーい
The place lookd like the movie Tron and the Menu was like the periodic table of elements
It didn`t matter to me that the line was too long I didn`t even get to take much pictures because I was like a giddy school girl!
That`s why I died when the nitrogen was out of stock...

so while looking like an idiot I watched the last batch of nitrogen ice cream being prepaired

。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・。 ヒィッ

 after that we went with my other classmates to who  knows where.

me Aselle and Ady walking somewhere being vain

The Crew with Pazzy walking to find something.

The crew slowly getting hotter btw

we reached a gate in UP and we are very hungry

We took a jeepney somewhere because we were really tired from walking even though I didn`t feel as much tired.

 anyway we went somewhere(I can`t remember the name ) and we ate(again)

me and ady shared this messy plate

our hungry faces

eventually we all ate there except for pazzy who had sisig

looking at them through the looking glass

walking some more

Finally getting on a cab

 After eating  everyone went to the grocery and bought food more food to take to pazzys house ghad ! we eat too much!
fast forward we went to pazzy`s house

The stairs from pazzy`s house which aselle loved so much
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 Me already on top of the stairs lurking on the shadows

Fast forward to the cliff

basically we ate and laughed a lot:)))


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