otaku expo RELOAD!!
I went to the 2nd day because the first day which was Saturday was also the final game for my school`s
basketball team and I kew it would be hard to get a ride back home I live very far from smx and I have a poor sense of direction so I could n`t take any chances.
I cosplayed as ema asahina from Brothers Conflict so
The wig is from my Sasha brause cosplay which is still unfinished until now. so yeah
my costume.. I picked out the cloth myself from divisioria and sewn by my kohai
yeah she`s my kouhai that I met just a few months ago and she is awesome!! hahahaha
also I think this was the first time I was "scammed" I was supposed to get the socks
I needed for ema asahina but never showed up or texted back so yeah I lacked the socks and the patch on the uniform
which I want to re do
I made the heart clips but I will ask my friend to remake them using polymore clay/resin yay
so obviously I`m not yet done with ema asahina
Now for the event umm since I wasn`t able to go on the first day i don`t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing since most of the events were canceled :(((
so yeah I was hoping it would be more fun on the 2nd day
and it did not help that there were like 4 events in smx that time umm
gun show ,car show ,k-fest and yeah otaku expo which was sad because there were barricades to
each event and you can only pass through by going around the other entrances so i didn`t get a chance to go to the k-fest.
yeah well.. I arrived at smx around 10:30 am and there were like a handfull of cosplayers in the area and i was still able to walk freely in the hallway w/o saying excuse me over and over again so I walked around first bought stuff and requested some comissions
then I started taking pictures...
I loved these guys and they were like the first cosplayers I took a picture of If i had a photographer with me I would have asked to taka a picture with them as my body guards how cool would that be!!
This actually brought back a lot of feels for me because the very first cosplay event I went to
I saw a perfect teto cosplayer but she didn`t have a wig and through the other events that I saw a teto they all had just curly pigtails and seeing the perfect drill curls just makes me so happy ^^
i brought my camera to school and this picture was popular ....
I took a break from taking a picture of the gallery because this adorable lucky start cosplayer
walked past me and urgh she`s so adorable!
So yeah back again I took more pictures of reimu
I wish they would put more bjd dolls in display or if not
maybe other touhou character like remillia
Oh hells yeah!!
heyhodgepodge and their walking totooro and the free deluxe hugs
I love her artworks and I am so happy i finally got a chance to aske her for a comission my
eririn is a happy little chibi
her adorable keychains ^^
I think I like traps now...
I can`t pull of a casual cosplay for vocaloid so I really like these guys
These cosplayers were awesome! I wanted to hang out with akemi san ^^ but i was
waiting for tokidoki for my rin earphones ^^
here is the booth for vanilla eyes ummm they were having a sale for yolanda victimes
and since it was for a cause i decided to buy the blue contact lens I needed for my
other cosplans
They were actually very nice and told me which contact lenses I needed!
This is a preview of what you are gonna see on january mwahahahahahahahah
so many cute cosplayers ^^
onwards to the haul!!!
The bat out of hell collection from
I saw their collection in instagram and i just had to have it!!!
Yeah this was the comission I got from camiie and the others above are the keychains I got at otaku expo and past events
Gonna make a review of this hahahahaha